HERI KUSNADI ( 081919413345 )

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HERI KUSNADI ( 081919413345 )

Di mohon tinggalkan pesan dan komentar.

HERI KUSNADI ( 081919413345 )

Di mohon tinggalkan pesan dan komentar.

HERI KUSNADI ( 081919413345 )

Di mohon tinggalkan pesan dan komentar.

Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

RPP Passive Voice

School                         : SMA
Subject                        : English
Material                      :   Passive Voice
Skill                            : Writing
Class/Semester            :            XI IPS2
Time Allocation          :            2 X 45 minutes

A.    Standard Competence
Using the meaning of the text of the essay form of report, narrative and analytical exposition in the context of daily life.

B.     Basic competence
Expressing meaning and rhetorical steps in essay writing using a variety of language accurately, fluently and acceptable in the context of daily life in text form: report, narrative and analytical exposition.

C.    Indicators
1.      Cognitive
a.       Students make a sentences about passive voice sentences.
b.      Students change the sentences of active sentences to passive sentences
a.       Students identify a sentences about passive sentence
b.      Students give respons about material of passive voice
c.       Students make a sentences about passive voice sentences
d.      Students change the sentences active to passive sentences
e.       Students discuss the sentences about passive voice sentences
2.      Affective
a.       Characters : honest, creative, critical and logical, responsible
b.      Social skill : asking question, giving idea and opinion, communicating in a good manner.
3.      Psychomotor
Students make  a sentence passive voice

Teaching and learning objectives
1.      Cognitive
a.         Students are able to make a sentences about passive voice sentences.
b.         Students are able to change the sentences of active sentences to passive sentences
a.         Students are able to identify a sentences about passive sentence
b.         Students are able to give respons about material of passive voice
c.         Students are able to make a sentences about passive voice sentences
d.        Students are able to change the sentences active to passive sentences
e.         Students are able to discuss the sentences about passive voice sentences

2.      Affective
a.       Students are actively involved in teaching and learning activities showing the particular characters (honest, creative, critical and logical and responsible)
b.      Students can work cooperatively in teaching and learning actuateby asking questions, giving idea and opinion and communicates in a good manner.

Students are able to make sentences passive voice.

D.    Material
Passive Voice

E.     Teaching Method/Technique
1.      Method        : CLT (cooperative learning teaching)
2.      Technique     : drill

F.     Activities Plan
1.      Opening Activities (10 minutes)
a.       Greeting and checking student attendance
b.      Students guest a sentences in white board about passive voice

2.      Main Activities (70 minutes)
a.         Students identify a sentences about passive sentence
b.         Students give respons about material of passive voice
c.         Students make a sentences about passive voice sentences
d.        Students change the sentences active to passive sentences
e.         Students discuss the sentences about passive voice sentences

3.      closing activities (10 minutes)
a.       Summarizing the lesson
b.      Giving chances for student to ask questions dealing with the material
c.       Giving homework
d.      Closing the lesson

G.    Learning Sources
1.      Internet
2.      English zone book year XI

H.    Evaluation
1.      Technique         : Writing test
2.      Form                 : writing  passive sentences
Guru Pamong

IvikaAngreini, S.Pd
NIP. 19641210 199412 1 001                                                                        
Bengkulu,      November  2012
Guru Praktikan

Heri Kusnadi
NPM. 112 111 0152.P
Dosen Pembimbing Lapangan

Sinarman Jaya M.Pd
NBK .                         .  

Kalimataktif (active voice) adalahkalimatdimana subject-nyamelakukanpekerjaan, sebaliknya, kalimatpasif (passive voice) adalahkalimatdimana subject-nyadikenaipekerjaanoleh object kalimat.Active voice lebihseringdigunakandalamkehidupansehari-haridibandingkandengan passive voice.Namundemikian, seringkitatemukan passive voice di surat-suratkabar, artikel-artikel di majalah-majalahdantulisan-tulisanilmiah. Passive voice digunakankarena object dari active voice merupakaninformasi yang lebihpentingdibandingkandengan subject-nya.
Contoh :
  • Active : Wefertilizethesoil every 6 months
  • Passive: Thesoilisfertilizedbyus every 6 months
Dari contohinidapatkitalihatbahwa:
  1. Object dari active voice (the soil) menjadi subject dari passive voice
  2. Subject dari active voice (we) menjadi object dari passive voice. Perhatikan pula bahwaterjadiperubahandari subject pronoun ‘we’ menjadi object pronoun ‘us’.
  3. Verb1(fertilize) pada active voice menjadi verb3 (fertilized) pada passive voice.
  4. Ditambahkannya be ‘is’ di depan verb3. Be yang digunakanadalahtergantungpada subject passive voice dan tenses yang digunakan. (Perhatikanpola-pola passive voice di bawah).
  5. Ditambahkannya kata ‘by’ di belakang verb3. Namun, jika object dari passive voice dianggaptidakpentingatautidakdiketahui, maka object biasanyatidakdikemukakandanbegitu pula kata ‘by’.
  6. Khususuntukkalimat-kalimat progressive (present, past, past perfect, future, past future, dan past future perfect continuous, perlumenambahkan ‘being’ di depan verb3). Kalautidakditambahkan “being”, tensisnyaakanberubah, bukan progressive/continuous lagi. Perhatikancontoh-contohpadapoinh – o di bawah.
Berdasarkankeenampoin di atasmaka passive voice mengikutipolasebagaiberikut:
Subject + be + Verb3 + by + Object + modifier

I gave him five rupees. (Active voice)
• Five rupees were given to him by me. (Passive Voice)
• He was given five rupees by me. (Passive Voice)

• She has told me the truth. (Active voice)
• I was told the truth by her. (Passive Voice)
• The truth was told to me by her. (Passive Voice)

1. Simple Present Tense                      S + IS/AM/ARE + V 3
Contohnya:     I am called by the teacher
2. Present Continuous Tense   S + AM/IS/ARE + BEING + V 3
Contohnya:     I am being called by the teacher
3. Present Perfect Tense                      S + HAVE/HAS + BEEN + V 3
Contohnya:     I have been called by the teacher
4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense  S + HAS/HAVE + BEEN + BEING + V 3
Contohnya:     I have been being called by the teacher
1. Simple Past Tense                           S + WAS/WERE + V 3
Contohnya:     We were called by the teacher
2. Past Continuous Tense                    S + WAS/WERE + BEING + V 3
Contohnya:     We were being called by the teacher
3. Past Perfect Tense                           S + HAD + BEEN + V 3
Contohnya:     I had been called by the teacher
4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense                   S + HAD + BEEN + BEING + V 3
Contohnya:     I had been being called by the teacher

1. Simple Future Tense                                   S + WILL + BE + V 3
Contohnya:     I will be called by the teacher
2. Future Continuous Tense                            S + WILL + BE + BEING + V 3
Contohnya:     I will be being called by the teacher
3. Future Perfect Tense                                   S + WILL + HAVE + BEEN + V 3
Contohnya:     I will have been called by the teacher
4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense   S + WILL + HAVE + BEEN +BEING + V 3
Contohnya:     I will have been being called by the teacher


Change the following sentences into passive sentences.
1.      Ghost haunt the house
2.      The detective solves the mystery
3.      My grandma made this handbag
4.      Someone murdered the woman
5.      People grow corn in many parts of indonesia
6.      Someone has invited you to dinner tomorrow
7.      Some men are painting the house bright yellow.
8.      You must write the answers on the answer sheet
9.      No one opens the shops on the independence day.
10.  The dog did not bite the jogger
11.  Is the plumber going to install the piper today?
12.  Do the people spell “running” with one ‘n’?
13.  Where are they going to hold the wedding party?
14.  When did someone invent the computer?
15.  Has Irma ever beaten you at tennis?

Answer of the exercise

1.      The house is hounted by ghost
2.      The mystery is solved by detective
3.      This handbag was made by grandma
4.      The women was muedered by someone
5.      Corn is grown by people in many part of Indonesia
6.      You have been inveted by someone to dinner tomorrow
7.      The house is being painted bright yellow by some men
8.      The answer must be wrote on the answer sheet by you
9.      The shops is not opened in the independence day
10.  The jogger was not biten by the dog
11.  Will the pipes be installed today by the plumber?
12.  Is ‘running’ spelled by people with one ‘n’?
13.  Where the wedding party will be held by them?
14.  When the computer was invented by someone?
15.  Have you ever been beaten by Irma at tennis?

RPP SMA KELAS XI Making a request


School                         : SMA
Subject                        : English
Material                      :            Making a request
Skill                            :            Speaking
Class/semester            :            XI IPS2
Time allocation           :            2 X 45 minutes

A.    Standard Competence
Using transactional meaning in text conversations and formal interpersonal and continues (sustained) in the context of daily life.

B.     Basic Competence
.Expressing meaning in a conversation transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal (social) and the official continues (sustained) by using a variety of spoken language accurately, fluently and acceptable in the context of daily life and engage said: advise, warn, making a request, and expressed feelings of relief, pain and pleasure.

C.    Indicators
1.      Cognitive
a.       Students make a dialogue about expression of making a request
b.      Students practice the dialogue about expression of making a request
a.       Students identify material about making a request
b.      Students make a dialogue about making a request in pair
c.       Students practice the dialogue in pair in front of class about making a request
d.      Students answer the question of diague about making a request
e.       Students discuss the dialogue about making a request
2.      Affective
a.       Characters : honest, creative, critical and logical, responsible
b.      Social skill : asking question, giving idea and opinion, communicating   in a good manner.
3.      Psychomotor
Students practice expression of making a request

Teaching and learning objectives
1.      Cognitive
a.       Students are able to make a dialogue about expression of making a request
b.      Students are able to practice the dialogue about expression of making a request
a.         Students are able to identify material about making a request
b.         Students are able to make a dialogue about making a request in pair
c.         Students are able to practice the dialogue in pair in front of class about making a request
d.        Students are able to answer the question of diague about making a request
e.         Students are able to discuss the dialogue about making a request

2.      Affective
a.       Students are actively involved in teaching and learning activities showing the particular characters (honest, creative, critical and logical and responsible)
b.      Students can work cooperatively in teaching and learning actuate  by asking questions, giving idea and opinion and communicates in a good manner.
3.      Psychomotor
Students are able to practice expression of making a request

D.    Material    :
Expression of Making a Request
E.     Teaching Method / Technique
1.      Method           :            CLT (cooperative learning teaching)
2.      Technique       :            Drill

F.     Activities Plan
1.      Opening Activities (10 minutes)
a.       Greeting and checking student attendance
b.      Asking for students to do something with using expression of making a request

2.      Main Activities (70 minutes)
a.         Students identify material about making a request
b.         Students make a dialogue about making a request in pair
c.         Students practice the dialogue in pair in front of class about making a request
d.        Students answer the question of diague about making a request
e.         Students discuss the dialogue about making a request

3.      Closing Activities (10 minutes)
a.       summarizing the lesson
b.      giving chances for student to ask questions dealing with the material
c.       giving homework
d.      closing the lesson

G.    Learning Sources
1.      Internet
2.      English zone book year

H.    Evaluation
1.      Technique     : Speaking test
2.      Form             :  Making their own sentences and asking to other friends

Guru Pamong

IvikaAngreini, S.Pd
NIP. 19641210 199412 1 001                                                                        
Bengkulu,      November  2012
Guru Praktikan

Heri Kusnadi
NPM. 112 111 0152.P
Dosen Pembimbing Lapangan

Sinarman Jaya M.Pd
NBK .                         .  


§  In pair, you make a dialogue about making a request. Then, you practice your dialogue in front of class. To discuss the dialogue with the other friends.

§  Following the dialogue. Then, answer the questions.
Peter            : Would you please turn on a radio now? Sorry but I’m still washing my hands.
      Jane           : Sure no problem. It’s your favorite ghost story time. Isn’t it?
      Peter          : Yes. It’s true “encounter” time. Would you mind sitting here with me? I like ghost stories but it’s just too scary to sit and listen to the program all alone.
      Jane           : Not at all. I’d be glad to.
      Peter          : The program starts. Listen, please. A man just started his ‘true encounter’ story.
     Jane            : Okay. Could you possibly turn the volume down? It’s getting creepier...
     Peter           : Certainly
     Jane            : You wouldn’t mind turning it off. Would you? I’m getting real scared.
     Peter           : Yes. I’m sorry It’s my favorite. I won’t turn it off.

Answer the question following the dialogue.
1)      What does the first speaker request the second to do?
2)      How does the second speaker respond to the request?
3)      How many other requests are there in the dialog?
4)      What responses do the speakers mostly give?
5)      Why are the last request and its response different from the others?


1.      Turn on the radio
2.      He/ She can turn on the radio “sure, no problem”
3.      Four request, they are:
*      Would you please turn on the radio now?
*      Would you mind sitting here with me?
*      Could you possibly turn the volume down?
*      You wouldn’t mind turning it of, would you?

4.      Positive respond
5.      Because speaker B have been getting real scared about respond, speaker A don’t know about that she/ he just know it’s the favorite ghost story.

Example     : dialogue of making a request

David and Mr. Iverson don't know each other. Do they?
David              : Good morning, can I speak to Mr. Iverson, please?
Secretary         : May I know who is calling, please?
David              : David Williams.
Secretary           : Please hold on for a moment. I'll see if Mr. Iverson is available…Please speak on. Mr. Iverson ison the line.
David              : Hi Michael, how are you?
Michael           : Hello, David, I'm fine. How are you?
David                          : Fine, thanks. I need your help, David. Could you lend me some money, please?
Michael           : How much?
David              : Three hundred dollars.
Michael           : Certainly. Can you send someone to collect the money?
David              : I'll come myself. I'll be there in half an hour. Thanks Michael.
Michael           : Most welcome. See you then