Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

RPP SMA KELAS XI A monolog: Reason and Impact (Analitical Exposition)


School                         : SMA
Subject                        : English
Material                      :            A monolog: Reason and Impact (Analitical Exposition)
Skill                            :            Listening
Class/semester            :            XI IPS2
Time allocation           :            2 X 45 minutes

A.    Standard Competence
Understanding the meaning of transactional and interpersonal conversations in formal and continuing (sustained) in the context of daily life.

B.     Basic Competence
Responding the meaning in a conversation transactional (to get thing done) and interpersonalofficial and continues (sustained) accurately, fluently and acceptable that use different languages ​​spoken in the context of daily life and involves follow-tutu: advise, warn, passed the request , and expressed feelings of relief, pain and plerasure.

C.    Indicators
1.      Cognitive
a.       Students answer the question of monolog about reason and impact of analitical exposition
b.      Students make generic structure of the monolog about reason and impact of analitical exposition
a.         Students listen of  monolog  about reason and impact of analitical exposition
b.      Students answer the question of monolog
c.       Students discuss the answer of questions of monolog
d.      Students identify reason and impact of monolog about analtical exposition
e.       Students make generic structure of monolog about analitical exposition

2.      Affective
a.       Characters : honest, creative, critical and logical, responsible
b.      Social skill : asking question, giving idea and opinion, communicating   in a good manner.
3.      Psychomotor
Students listen the monolog and answer the questions of monolog about analitical exposition

Teaching and learning objectives
1.      Cognitive
a.         Students are able to answer the question of monolog about reason and impact of analitical exposition
b.         Students are able to make expressing warning of the mnolog about reason and impact of analitical exposition

a.         Students are able to listen of  monolog  about reason and impact of analitical exposition
b.         Students are able to answer the question of monolog
c.         Students are able to discuss the answer of questions of monolog
d.        Students are able to identify reason and impact of monolog about analitical exposition
e.         Students are able to make generic structure of monolog about analitical exposition

2.         Affective
a.       Students are actively involved in teaching and learning activities showing the particular characters (honest, creative, critical and logical and responsible
b.      Students can work cooperatively in teaching and learning actuate  by asking questions, giving idea and opinion and communicates in a good manner.

3.      Psychomotor
Students are able to listen the monolog and to answer the questions of monolog about analitical exposition

D.    Material    :
A monolog : Reason and Impact (analitical exposition)

E.     Teaching Method / Technique
1.      Method           :            Audio Lingual
2.      Technique       :            Audio

F.     Activities Plan
1.      Opening Activities (10 minutes)
a.       Greeting and checking student attendance

2.      Main Activities (70 minutes)
a.         Students listen of  monolog  about reason and impact of analitical exposition
b.         Students answer the question of monolog
c.         Students discuss the answer of questions of monolog
d.        Students identify reason and impact of monolog about analitical exposition
e.         Students make generic structure of monolog about analitical exposition

1.      Closing Activities (10 minutes)
a.       summarizing the lesson
b.      giving homework
c.       closing the lesson

G.    Learning Sources
1.      English zone book year of XI class

*      Laptop
*      Speaker

1.      Technique     : listening test
2.      Form             :  listening of monolog about reason and impact (analitical exposition)

Guru Pamong

IvikaAngreini, S.Pd
NIP. 19641210 199412 1 001                                                                        
Bengkulu,      November  2012
Guru Praktikan

Heri Kusnadi
NPM. 112 111 0152.P
Dosen Pembimbing Lapangan

Sinarman Jaya M.Pd
NBK .                         .  

Analytical Exposition

Pengertianataudefinisi analytical exposition text sebenarnyasangatmudahdipahami.Secarabahasa, “Analytical” bermakna, “examining or liking to examine things very carefully” (Cambridge).Artinya, (sukamemeriksa / mengujisesuatusecarahati-hati).Sedangkanmakna exposition sendirisudahpernahsayajelaskanpadatulisantentang hortatory exposition, yaitu “a comprehensive description” ataupenjelasansecaraluas.
Dengandemikian, pengertian Analytical Expositionbisadipahamisebagai text yang mencobamemberikanpenjelasansecarakomprehensiftentangsuatumasalahdenganmenampilkanpendapat-pendapatpendukungsecarahati-hati.

Sedangkantujuanutama analytical exposition text iniadalah, “ to attempt to persuade the reader to believe something by presenting one side of the argument.” Artinyamencobameyakinkanpembaca agar mempercayaisesuatudenganmemberikansatusisipendapatsaja.”Mengacupadatujuan analytical exposition ini, halinitidakbermaknabahwadalam analytical exposition berisisatuargumensaja, akantetapiberisiberbagaiargumen yang memilikitujuansama.

Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition

Perbedaansusunanantara hortatory exposition dengan analytical exposition hanyalahpadastrukturterakhirnyasaja.Jikahortatory expositiondiakhiridenganrecommendation, analytical expostiondiakhiridenganconclusion.Untuklebihjelasnyamarikitasimak di bawahini:

Sepertipadajenistekslainnya, thesis iniberisipandanganpenulistentangsuatumasalahsecaralebihsederhana.  Untuklebihjelasnyasilahkanbacapenjelasanmengenai thesis statemenpadatekshortatory.

Series of Argument
Series of Argument berisibeberapapenjelasanlanjutandariketerangansederhanadalam thesis statement.Ketikamenulis argument ini, diusahakan agar lebihtelitilagikarenapadabagianinilahsebuahtulisanbisamempengaruhipembaca.Jikaperlu, sertakanpendapatmenurutparaahli.

Conclusion seringjugadisebutdenganreiteration.Padabagianini, kitahanyadituntutuntukmenyimpulkan, ataulebihsederhananyakitamengungkapkankembaliapa yang dijelaskanpada thesis statement.

Example of text analitical exposition:

Watch your Kids While Watching TV

Television becomes one of the most important devices which takes place in almost houses. It can unite all members of the family as well as separate them. However, is it important to know what your kids are watching? The answer is, of course, absolutely “Yes” and that should be done by all parents. Television can expose things you have tried to protect the children from, especially violence, pornography, consumerism and so on.

Recently, a study demonstrated that spending too much time on watching TV during the day or at bedtime often cause bed-time disruption, stress, and short sleep duration.

Another research found that there is a significant relationship between the amount of time spent for watching television during adolescence and early adulthood, and the possibility of being aggressive.

Meanwhile, many studies have identified a relationship between kids who watch TV a lot and being inactive and overweight.

Thesis             : danger for child of watching TV

Arguments     : Limit television viewing to one-two hours each day
Do not allow your children to have a TV set in their own bedrooms
Review the rating of TV shows which your children watch

Conclution     : kids who watch TV a lot and being inactive and overweight.


A.    Listen this the monolog A. Then, answer the questions.

Before we are going to smoke, it is better to look at the fact. About 50 thousands people die every year in Britain as direct result of smoking. This is seven times as many as die in road accidents. Nearly a quarter of smokers die because of diseases caused by smoking.

Ninety percent of lung cancers are caused by smoking. If we smoke five cigarettes a day, we are six times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non smoker. If we smoke twenty cigarettes a day, the risk is nineteen greater. Ninety five percent of people who suffer of bronchitis are people who are smoking. Smokers are two and half times more likely to die of heart disease than non smokers.

Additionally, children of smoker are more likely to develop bronchitis and pneumonia. In one hour in smoky room, non smoker breathes as much as substance causing cancer as if he had smoked fifteen cigarettes.

Smoking is really good for tobacco companies because they do make much money from smoking habit. Smoking however is not good for every body else.

1.      What is the topic of the talk?
2.      What does the speaker want to persuade the listeners?
3.      Mentions some facts to the thesis statement?
4.      What is the conclusion of the talk?
5.      Complete the structure
Thesis              :
Arguments      : 1.                              
                        Conclusion      :                                  

B.    Listen to the monolog B. Then, choose the best answer.

Smoking cigarettes is the single gretest cause of lung cancer. Smoking cigarette or a pipe also increases the risk of lung ancer. Tobacco smokng causes as many as 90 percent of lung cancer in men and about 78 percent of those in women. Exposure to secondhand smoke that is in haling the Tobacco smoke of smokers has occured in most of the remaining cases substances in Tobaccco damage the cells in lungs and over time the damaged cells can become cancerous. The great majority of lung cancer cases could be revented and thousands of lives could be saved each if people quit smoking.

1.      Smoking cigaratte is    
a.       The greatest cause of the lung cancer
b.      The ony cause of lung cancer
c.       A habit that only causes lung cancer
d.      Tha cause of all cancer cases
2.      It has been proven that                       
a.       Men and women have the same risk lung cancer
b.      Oly men Have a great risk of lung cancer
c.       All women have a great risk of lung cancer
d.      Men who smoke have greater risk og lung cancer
3.      The expression secondhand smoke refers to                          
a.       Common exposure cases of smoking
b.      Non smokers who inhale tobacco smoke
c.       The remaining cigarette to be exposed
d.      The act of inhaling most tobacco smoke
4.      Tobacco contains materials capable of                       
a.       Bacomming cancer
b.      Sustaining lungs
c.       Preventing cancer
d.      Damaging cells
5.      One conditions to prevent cancer and save lives is                             
a.       When people quiet smoking
b.      When quiet people smoke
c.       When people are quietly smoking
d.      When quiet all people smoking

1. Imfact of smoking
2. To imform the listeners what the impact smoking, before wa are going to smoke
3.    _50 thousandth people die in Britania
_ninety persent of lung cancers are cause by smoking
4.    Smoking is really bad habbit and not good for everybody else
5.    _thesis        : smoking is very dangerous
_argument  : 1. 90 % of lung cancer cause bronchities
2.    Child can develop bronchities and pneumonia
3.    50.000 people died in Britain each year
4.    Smoking is only good for tobacco companies because they can get money from smoker

1. A
2. D
3. D
4. D
5. D

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