Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

RPP SMA KELAS XI King of the jungle


School                         : SMA
Subject                        : English
Material                      :  A fable : King of the jungle
Skill                            : Listening
Class/semester            : XI
Time allocation           : 2 X 45 minutes

A.    Standard Competence
Understanding the short functional text and monologue form of reports, narrative, and analytical exposition in the context in daily life.

B.     Basic Competence
Responding to meaning in text using a variety of monologues spoken language accurately, fluently and acceptable in the context of daily life in text form: report, narrative and analytical exposition.

C.    Indicators
1.      Cognitive
a.       Students listen the text about fable
b.      Students answer the close text and essay text
a.       Students identify of material about Fable
b.      Students give respons of material about Fable
c.       Students listen the text about Fable
d.      Students answer a close text and essay text following  the text about fable
e.       Students discuss of the text about fable.

2.      Affective
a.       Characters : honest, creative, critical and logical, responsible
b.      Social skill : asking question, giving idea and opinion, communicating   in a good manner.
3.      Psychomotor
Listening and answering the questions about text

Teaching and learning objectives
1.      Cognitive
a.         Students are able to listen the text about fable
b.         Students are able to answer the close text and essay text
a.         Students are able to identify of material about Fable
b.         Students are able to give respons of material about Fable
c.         Students are able to listen the text about Fable
d.        Students are able to answer a close text and essay text following  the text about fable
e.         Students are able to discuss of the text about fable.

2.         Affective
a.       Students are able to actively involved in teaching and learning activities showing the particular characters (honest, creative, critical and logical and responsible
b.      Students are able can work cooperatively in teaching and learning actuate  by asking questions, giving idea and opinion and communicates in a good manner.

3.      Psychomotor
Students are able to listen and to answer the questions of text.

D.    Material    :
A fable : “King of the jungle”

E.     Teaching Method / Technique
1.      Method           :            Situational Language Teaching
2.      Technique       :            Textbook
F.     Activities Plan
1.      Opening Activities (10 minutes)
a.       Greeting and checking student attendance
b.      Students guest many kinds title of fable from describtion were given by teacher
2.      Main Activities (70 minutes)
a.         Students identify of material about Fable
b.         Students give respons of material about Fable
c.         Students listen the text about Fable
d.        Students answer a close text and essay text following  the text about fable
e.         Students discuss of the text about fable.
3.      Closing Activities (10 minutes)
a.       summarizing the lesson
b.      giving homework
c.       closing the lesson

G.    Learning Sources
1.      English zone book year of XI class

*      Laptop
*      Speaker

1.      Technique     : Listening test
2.      Form             :  Listening a Fable about “king of the jungle”
Guru Pamong

IvikaAngreini, S.Pd
               NIP. 19641210 199412 1 001                                                                        
Bengkulu,      November  2012
Guru Praktikan

Heri Kusnadi
NPM. 112 111 0152.P
Dosen Pembimbing Lapangan

Sinarman Jaya M.Pd
NBK .                         .  

Fable is a literary genre. A fable is a succinct fictional story, in prose or verse, that features animals, mythical creatures, plants, inanimate objects or forces of nature which are anthropomorphized (given human qualities such as verbal communication), and that illustrates or leads to an interpretation of a moral lesson (a "moral"), which may at the end be added explicitly in a pithy maxim.
A fable differs from a parable in that the latter excludes animals, plants, inanimate objects, and forces of nature as actors that assume speech and other powers of humankind
a short tale to teach a moral lesson, often with animals or inanimate objects as characters; apologue: the fable of the tortoise and the hare; Aesop's fables.Story not founded on fact:This biography is largely a self-laudatory fable. a story about supernatural or extraordinary persons or incidents; legend: the fables of gods and heroes. legends or myths collectively:the heroes of Greek fable.

A short tale to teach a moral lesson, often with animals or inanimate objects as characters; apologue: the fable of the tortoise and the hare; Aesop's fables.
a story not founded on fact:This biography is largely a self-laudatory fable.
a story about supernatural or extraordinary persons or incidents; legend: the fables of gods and heroes.
legends or myths collectively:the heroes of Greek fable
fable  (ˈfeɪbəl)
a short moral story, esp. one with animals as characters
a false, fictitious, or improbable account; fiction or lie
a story or legend about supernatural or mythical characters or events
legends or myths collectivelyRelated: fabulous
archaic  the plot of a play or of an epic or dramatic poem

to relate or tell (fables)
( intr) to speak untruthfully; tell lies
( tr) to talk about or describe in the manner of a fable: ghosts are fabled to appear at midnight

Related: fabulous

[C13: from Latin fābula story, narrative, from fārī to speak, say]

A.    Listen to this fable. Then, complete the close text.

King of the jungle
Once upon the time, a king ruled over a rich            1.                          He had a wise and beautiful queen, four chief ministers , a royal astrologer who always helped the king make decisions and a whole    2.                    Of Mandarins and officials to perform all the honors for the king.

The problem was thet neither the king  3.                             The four chief ministers knew anything about magic, which was necessary for victory in battle. Because of this, the king was worried that an  4.                      Cud invade and and easily overrun his kingdom. One morning, the king decide that they should learn 5.                               with  a legendary teacher called Tisabamokkha, who lived in a far –off kingdom.Tisabamokkha taught the king and his whole followers, they learned how to    6.                                 Themselves into all the kinds of animals and heavenly beings.

When they had learned all they could the king decided it was time  to  7.                          To their own kingdom. He set out accompanied by the queen, the royal astrologer and the four chief ministers. After they had   8.                                for three days, they got lose in a huge a forest. They had eaten all their food and they began the roots and berries. The king was worried that he would die, so he asked the group what they thought they should do.

The royal astrologers suggested, “ may be we should use the   9.                       To turn ourselves into a tiger, then we could catch other animals to eat. We could wait until we got back to our own kingdom to  10.                                  Ourselves back into humans again.
The other members of the group all agreed with the astrologers .
“which part  of the tiger’s body do you each wish to be?” the king asked.
The four chie ministers wanted to turn into the four   11.                     Of the tiger, the astrologer into the tiger’s tail and the queen into the tiger’s  12.                                                  . the tige’s head was left for the king himself.

They all recited the magic to transform their bodies and sure enough, there stood a royal tiger. The tiger bounded off to  13.                     Deer and Antolope to eat. After a while the tiger was so happy that he forgot to return to his own kingdom. He did not  14.                                          His wonderful new life.

B.    Listen this fable again. Then, answer the following questions.

1.      What is the title of the fable?
2.      What did the tiger promise to hilself?
3.      What was going to be the 100th animal?
4.      What did the animal do to make a fool of the tiger?
5.      What did the tiger think about what happened?
6.      What is the moral of this fable?


A.    The answer of The close text

1.      Kingdom                                             8.    Travel
2.      Class                                                    9.     Magic
3.      All of                                                   10.   Turn
4.      Enamy                                                 11.    Like
5.      Magic                                                  12.    body
6.      Chance                                                13.    catch
7.      Writen                                                 14.    regret

B.    Answer of the questions

1.      King of the jungle
2.      Got back to kingdom and back into human agains

2 komentar:

  1. materinya sangat membantu, terima kasih....

    kalau mau cari file (mp3) listeningnya dimana ya....?
